Angular Material | Change Color of the Checkbox (mat-checkbox) – Outline Example


It has been pretty challenging for me to style Angular Material Checkbox. The selector for the checkbox is mat-checkbox and it only offers the color input parameter. For my use case, I needed to make an outline variation of the checkbox. Hence, I had to change background color and the inner checkbox to satisfy the requirement. Since I could not find a solution online and since I spent a couple of hours on this, I decided to make things easier for you by providing a ready-to-go solution.


To be as precise and straightforward as possible, here is an SCSS code snippet that you can insert into your SCSS file to make it work:


@mixin outline-checkbox {
  .mdc-checkbox {
    .mdc-checkbox__native-control:enabled {
      &:not(:disabled):active:checked {
        ~ .mdc-checkbox__background {
          background-color: transparent;

    // Define the style for .mdc-checkbox__checkmark
    .mdc-checkbox__native-control:enabled ~ .mdc-checkbox__background {
      .mdc-checkbox__checkmark {
        color: red;

.checkbox-item {
  @include outline-checkbox;


    <p class="checkbox-item">
      <mat-checkbox color="primary">Pepperoni</mat-checkbox>
    <p class="checkbox-item">
      <mat-checkbox color="primary">Extra Cheese</mat-checkbox>
    <p class="checkbox-item">
      <mat-checkbox color="primary">Mushroom</mat-checkbox>

Of course, the encapsulation of the component is set to .None, to avoid the usage of ng-deep:


encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,

However, you can use ::ng-deep if you prefer and if the above solution does not work for you.


The styling is focused on two main parts of the checkbox component:

  1. The Checkbox Background: The .mdc-checkbox__native-control:enabled selector targets the native control element of the checkbox, but only when it is enabled (not disabled). The nested selectors within this block apply the style background-color: transparent; to the .mdc-checkbox__background element in various states:
    • When the checkbox is checked (.checked or :checked).
    • When the checkbox is in focus and checked (:focus:checked).
    • When the checkbox is in an indeterminate state (:indeterminate or [data-indeterminate='true']).
    • During hover over a checked checkbox (:hover:checked).
    • When the checkbox is active (clicked) and not disabled (:not(:disabled):active:checked).
    By grouping these selectors together, the mixin applies the transparent background style to the .mdc-checkbox__background in all these scenarios in a more concise and readable manner, reducing the repetition of the same style declaration across different states.
  2. The Checkbox Checkmark: The style for the .mdc-checkbox__checkmark element is defined separately. This part of the mixin sets the color of the checkmark inside the checkbox. The selector .mdc-checkbox__native-control:enabled ~ .mdc-checkbox__background .mdc-checkbox__checkmark targets the checkmark that is a descendant of the checkbox background, which is in turn a sibling of the enabled native control. The color is set to a red, and this is obviously only for the demo purpose.


Overall, this solution provides a neat and efficient way to style the different states of a Material Design checkbox component, ensuring that the background of the checkbox turns transparent in various user interaction states, and defining the color of the checkmark. By using SCSS features like nesting and grouping of selectors, the code is made more maintainable and easier to understand. Let me know if this solution helped you! Read: How Angular Works Under the Hood?






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